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Help make change today. Join our Dollar A Day Community.

The Dollar A Day Foundation has a simple mission: to narrow the gap between the need for and the availability of frontline mental health and addictions programs across Canada. With proper supports, despair can be replaced by hope, dignity, and the opportunity to give back.

When mental health and addictions are treated in a timely manner, the human and financial costs are far less, proving it to be an investment worth making. Sign up today and help us send a stronger message for social change, and feel confident that you’re making a difference every single day.

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Mental health issues are growing, and we must rise to the occasion.

Many people facing mental health and addiction challenges do not have the supports they need to get on the road to recovery. Dollar A Day exists to raise funds to close the gap between the availability of frontline mental health and addictions programs and the growing need.

Make a Difference

We believe in the value of each and every person, and so do the programs we fund.

Thrive CYN

St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador

Meeting youth where they are, helping youth where they need to go, and supporting youth to be who they want to be. Thrive provides innovative programs and approaches to support young individuals struggling with mental health.

Canada’s youth suicide rate is the third highest in relation to the rest of the industrialized world, but we believe Thrive’s work is making efforts to change that. Part of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Community Youth Networks (CYNs), Thrive is seen as a leading social serving organization and has created some of our province’s most innovative services.

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No Time For That

Halifax, Nova Scotia

No Time for That Anti-Bullying Society works with performers and motivational speakers to develop and deliver powerful presentations to school-aged children and youth about bullying prevention, mental health awareness, and youth empowerment.

These presentations are part of the “No Time for That” Tour, a live production comprised of guest speakers, live music, videos, Q&A, meet & greet, and volunteer activities. To date, as part of the No Time for That” Tour, over 600 presentations have been delivered to schools across Canada, at no cost to the schools.

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Landing Strong

Windsor, Nova Scotia

“Finding Growth Together Following Trauma.” That’s the motto of Landing Strong – an innovative non-profit organization based in Nova Scotia dedicated to promoting resilience and assisting recovery from PTSD and operational stress injuries (OSI).

With a wide range of services, from initial engagement and treatment to aftercare and community reengagement support, Landing Strong is more than an organization. It’s a community of dedicated survivors and aides, providing those who are struggling with the help they need to recover.

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Langs Youth Wellness Hub

Cambridge, Ontario

Established in 1978 in Cambridge, Ontario, Langs is committed to ensuring every person in their neighbourhoods has a place to call home for health, wellness, and support.

At a provincial level, 77% of children referred to children’s mental health services were from Cambridge, with 157 children on the waiting list and an estimated wait time of 7 months. With this in mind, Langs aims to decrease barriers and enable greater access to help, serving children with mild to moderate mental health challenges and providing both mental health and family assistance.

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MHEART Program

Woodstock, Ontario

The Mental Health Engagement and Response Team (MHEART) aims to decrease emergency room visits by providing citizens with the help they need at the time of their call. They do this by pairing on-duty police officers with a crisis worker to respond to mental health or addiction-based emergency calls.

Since the program was launched in 2018, it has made 545 connections, over 400 referrals to community services, and saw 75 fewer people taken to emergency rooms. With your support, MHEART can continue to provide mental health treatments both promptly and professionally.

2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations

Toronto, Ontario

2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations aim is to support the Two Spirit community due to the set of ongoing historical and modern challenges they face in society. Two Spirit is a term within the ancient teachings of the First Nations to describe men who marry men and women who marry women, as they are seen as a third gender; carrying both a male and female spirit. These members often experience alienation and are denied of their identity in society, while traditionally they were fundamental to their culture, being considered gifted healers and visionaries.

First Nations, metis and Inuit living with or at risk for HIV and related co-infections are offered prevention education and support based on Indigenous philosophies of holistic health and wellness, including mental health and counselling through this program to ensure Two Spirit people are living healthy and are able to remain openly proud in their heritage.

Become a Partner for Change and Discover the Impact a Dollar Can Make.

The Dollar A Day Foundation has a simple mission: to bridge the gap between the funding and the need for frontline mental health and addictions programs across Canada.

Raise awareness for mental health and addictions care within your organization and the communities you serve – help change the conversation and stigma around mental health in your organization by normalizing the conversation, taking action, and empowering your people to make a difference on the frontlines of mental health and addictions care in their communities.

Your workplace can become a Partner for Change by pledging that you and your colleagues will together donate $365. If your workplace has multiple sites, challenge each site to join in! Share your interest here and we’ll be in touch to get you all set up.

What We Look For

The programs that Dollar A Day seeks to fund are based, like the foundation itself, on a fundamental belief in the value of each and every person. We fund frontline programs that support professionals in diagnosing and treating persons with mental illness and addictions in a timely and respectful manner regardless of politics, religion, gender, race, or ability to pay. Here is what we consider in funding programs on behalf of our donors:

  • Frontline Programs – Does the program have a positive impact on a person suffering today?
  • Demand/Need – Is there a compelling need for this program in this area/region?
  • Lasting Impact – Does the program have the potential to be life changing?
  • Measurable Results – How are these impacts measured?
  • Ability to Replicate – Could the program be successfully replicated elsewhere?
  • Innovative – Is there potential to be ground-breaking in terms of its overall impact?
  • Regional Impact – There is a desire to fund programs in every province and territory in Canada.

How to Apply for Funding

Our granting program is currently closed. We will be reopening granting opportunities in April 2025 with the launch of our new application form and guidelines. 

Any further questions, please email

Please note: We do not grant money to individuals. The Dollar A Day Foundation only makes grants to organizations that meet the criteria specified.

These are issues that belong to all of us.
So, let’s fix them together.

Our Principles

Lean and Efficient

The Dollar A Day Foundation is simple, lean, and efficient. By looking to corporate partners to support a separate endowment to cover operating and administration costs, 100% of our Dollar A Dayer donations go directly to the frontlines – 100%.

Transparency Through Exemplary Communications

Through cost-effective online communications, we will share the change you are making possible and provide donors with a voice and a vehicle for sharing the change with others.

Regional Investment

We fund programs making a difference in every province and territory, and are constantly growing to serve more people from coast to coast to coast. If you have a local program to recommend, contact us at

No Duplication

We do not deliver programs directly. Our role is to pool the resources of our donors and get them into the hands of effective programs. The more funds we raise for them, the more they can focus on frontline services.

Impact Today

Good people need our help today, and effective programs and program partners exist. Through partnerships with credible organizations your investment will hit the ground running.


Our Leadership Team

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